

adjective caus·tic \ˈks-tik\

: able to destroy or burn something by chemical action

: very harsh and critical

Full Definition of CAUSTIC

:  capable of destroying or eating away by chemical action :  corrosive
:  marked by incisive sarcasm
:  relating to or being the surface or curve of a caustic
caus·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb
caus·tic·i·ty \k-ˈsti-sə-tē\ noun

Examples of CAUSTIC

  1. His [Roosevelt's] caustic cousin, Alice Roosevelt Longworth, called him a sissy and a mama's boy. —Garry Wills, Atlantic, April 1994

Origin of CAUSTIC

Latin causticus, from Greek kaustikos, from kaiein to burn
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of CAUSTIC

caustic, mordant, acrid, scathing mean stingingly incisive. caustic suggests a biting wit <caustic comments>. mordant suggests a wit that is used with deadly effectiveness <mordant reviews of the play>. acrid implies bitterness and often malevolence <acrid invective>. scathing implies indignant attacks delivered with fierce severity <a scathing satire>.

Other Chemical Engineering Terms

alkali, cation, decant, hygroscopic, isotope, oxidize, slurry, solute, viscous


noun caus·tic \ˈks-tik\

Definition of CAUSTIC

:  a caustic agent: as
a :  a substance that burns or destroys organic tissue by chemical action
b :  sodium hydroxide
:  the envelope of rays emanating from a point and reflected or refracted by a curved surface

Origin of CAUSTIC

(see 1caustic)
First Known Use: 15th century

Other Chemical Engineering Terms

alkali, cation, decant, hygroscopic, isotope, oxidize, slurry, solute, viscous
CAUSTICALLY Defined for Kids


adjective caus·tic \ˈk-stik\

Definition of CAUSTIC for Kids

:  capable of eating away by chemical action :  corrosive
:  very harsh and critical <caustic remarks>


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