

adjective \ˈstād\

: serious, boring, or old-fashioned

Full Definition of STAID

:  marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint :  sober, grave
staid·ly adverb
staid·ness noun

Origin of STAID

from past participle of 3stay
First Known Use: 1557

Synonym Discussion of STAID

serious, grave, solemn, sedate, staid, sober, earnest mean not light or frivolous. serious implies a concern for what really matters <a serious play about social injustice>. grave implies both seriousness and dignity in expression or attitude <read the proclamation in a grave voice>. solemn suggests an impressive gravity utterly free from levity <a sad and solemn occasion>. sedate implies a composed and decorous seriousness <remained sedate amid the commotion>. staid suggests a settled, accustomed sedateness and prim self-restraint <a quiet and staid community>. sober stresses seriousness of purpose and absence of levity or frivolity <a sober look at the state of our schools>. earnest suggests sincerity or often zealousness of purpose <an earnest reformer>.


Definition of STAID

past and past participle of stay


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