

verb re·tract \ri-ˈtrakt\

: to pull (something) back into something larger that usually covers it

: to say that something you said or wrote is not true or correct

: to take back (something, such as an offer or promise)

Full Definition of RETRACT

transitive verb
:  to draw back or in <cats retract their claws>
a :  take back, withdraw <retract a confession>
b :  disavow
intransitive verb
:  to draw or pull back
:  to recant or disavow something
re·tract·able \-ˈtrak-tə-bəl\ adjective

Origin of RETRACT

Middle English, from Latin retractus, past participle of retrahere — more at retreat
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of RETRACT

abjure, renounce, forswear, recant, retract mean to withdraw one's word or professed belief. abjure implies a firm rejecting or abandoning often made under oath <abjured the errors of his former faith>. renounce may carry the meaning of disclaim or disown <renounced abstract art and turned to portrait painting>. forswear may add an implication of perjury or betrayal <I cannot forswear my principles>. recant stresses the withdrawing or denying of something professed or taught <if they recant they will be spared>. retract applies to the withdrawing of a promise, an offer, or an accusation <the newspaper had to retract the story>.

recede, retreat, retract, back mean to move backward. recede implies a gradual withdrawing from a forward or high fixed point in time or space <the flood waters gradually receded>. retreat implies withdrawal from a point or position reached <retreating soldiers>. retract implies drawing back from an extended position <a cat retracting its claws>. back is used with up, down, out, or off to refer to any retrograde motion <backed off on the throttle>.
RETRACTS Defined for Kids


verb re·tract \ri-ˈtrakt\

Definition of RETRACT for Kids

:  to pull back or in <A cat can retract its claws.>
:  to take back (as an offer or statement) :  withdraw
Medical Dictionary


transitive verb re·tract \ri-ˈtrakt\

Medical Definition of RETRACT

:  to draw back or in <retract the lower jaw>—compare protract
intransitive verb
:  to draw something (as tissue) back or in; also :  to use a retractor


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