

noun ob·ject \ˈäb-jikt, -(ˌ)jekt\

: a thing that you can see and touch and that is not alive

: someone or something that makes you feel a specified emotion

: someone or something that your attention or interest is directed toward

Full Definition of OBJECT

a :  something material that may be perceived by the senses <I see an object in the distance>
b :  something that when viewed stirs a particular emotion (as pity) <look to the tragic loading of this bed … the object poisons sight; let it be hid — Shakespeare>
a :  something mental or physical toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed <an object for study> <the object of my affection> <delicately carved art objects>
b :  something physical that is perceived by an individual and becomes an agent for psychological identification <the mother is the primary object of the child>
a :  the goal or end of an effort or activity :  purpose, objective <their object is to investigate the matter thoroughly>
b :  a cause for attention or concern <money is no object>
:  a thing that forms an element of or constitutes the subject matter of an investigation or science
a :  a noun or noun equivalent (as a pronoun, gerund, or clause) denoting the goal or result of the action of a verb
b :  a noun or noun equivalent in a prepositional phrase
a :  a data structure in object-oriented programming that can contain functions as well as data, variables, and other data structures
b :  a discrete entity (as a window or icon) in computer graphics that can be manipulated independently of other such entities
ob·ject·less \-ləs\ adjective
ob·ject·less·ness noun

Origin of OBJECT

Middle English, from Medieval Latin objectum, from Latin, neuter of objectus, past participle of obicere to throw in the way, present, hinder, from ob- in the way + jacere to throw — more at ob-, jet
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of OBJECT

intention, intent, purpose, design, aim, end, object, objective, goal mean what one intends to accomplish or attain. intention implies little more than what one has in mind to do or bring about <announced his intention to marry>. intent suggests clearer formulation or greater deliberateness <the clear intent of the statute>. purpose suggests a more settled determination <being successful was her purpose in life>. design implies a more carefully calculated plan <the order of events came by accident, not design>. aim adds to these implications of effort directed toward attaining or accomplishing <her aim was to raise film to an art form>. end stresses the intended effect of action often in distinction or contrast to the action or means as such <willing to use any means to achieve his end>. object may equal end but more often applies to a more individually determined wish or need <his constant object was the achievement of pleasure>. objective implies something tangible and immediately attainable <their objective is to seize the oil fields>. goal suggests something attained only by prolonged effort and hardship <worked years to reach her goals>.


verb ob·ject \əb-ˈjekt\

: to disagree with something or oppose something

: to say (something that explains why you oppose something or disagree)

Full Definition of OBJECT

transitive verb
:  to put forth in opposition or as an objection <objected that the statement was misleading>
intransitive verb
:  to oppose something firmly and usually with words or arguments
:  to feel distaste for something
ob·jec·tor \-ˈjek-tər\ noun

Origin of OBJECT

Middle English, from Latin objectus, past participle of obicere to throw in the way, object
First Known Use: 15th century


adjective \same as 1\

Definition of OBJECT

:  of, relating to, or being object code <an object file>

First Known Use of OBJECT

OBJECTING Defined for Kids


noun ob·ject \ˈäb-jikt\

Definition of OBJECT for Kids

:  something that may be seen or felt <Tables and chairs are objects.>
:  purpose, aim <The object is to raise money.>
:  something that arouses feelings in an observer <That diamond is the object of their envy.>
:  a noun or a term behaving like a noun that receives the action of a verb or completes the meaning of a preposition


verb ob·ject \əb-ˈjekt\

Definition of OBJECT for Kids

:  to offer or mention as a reason for a feeling of disapproval <She objected that the price was too high.>
:  to oppose something firmly and usually with words <Surely her mother would not object to a nutritious hard-boiled egg. — Beverly Cleary, Ramona Quimby>

Synonym Discussion of OBJECT

object and protest mean to oppose something by arguing against it. object is used of a person's great dislike or hatred. <I object to being called a liar.> protest is used for the act of presenting objections in speech, writing, or in an organized, public demonstration. <There were several groups protesting the building of the airport.>
Medical Dictionary


noun ob·ject \ˈäb-(ˌ)jekt, -jikt\

Medical Definition of OBJECT

:  something material that may be perceived by the senses
:  something mental or physical toward which thought, feeling, or action is directed


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