

verb \ˈflnt, ˈflänt\

: to show (something) in a very open way so that other people will notice

: to show a lack of respect for (something, such as a rule)

Full Definition of FLAUNT

intransitive verb
:  to display or obtrude oneself to public notice <a great flaunting crowd — Charles Dickens>
:  to wave or flutter showily <the flag flaunts in the breeze>
transitive verb
:  to display ostentatiously or impudently :  parade <flaunting his superiority>
:  to treat contemptuously <flaunted the rules — Louis Untermeyer>
flaunt noun
flaunt·ing·ly \ˈfln-tiŋ-lē, ˈflän-\ adverb
flaunty \-tē\ adjective

Usage Discussion of FLAUNT

Although transitive sense 2 of flaunt undoubtedly arose from confusion with flout, the contexts in which it appears cannot be called substandard <meting out punishment to the occasional mavericks who operate rigged games, tolerate rowdyism, or otherwise flaunt the law — Oscar Lewis> <observed with horror the flaunting of their authority in the suburbs, where men … put up buildings that had no place at all in a Christian commonwealth — Marchette Chute> <in our profession … very rarely do we publicly chastise a colleague who has flaunted our most basic principles — R. T. Blackburn, AAUP Bulletin>. If you use it, however, you should be aware that many people will consider it a mistake. Use of flout in the sense of flaunt 1 is found occasionally <“The proper pronunciation,” the blonde said, flouting her refined upbringing, “is pree feeks” — Mike Royko>.

Origin of FLAUNT

perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse flana to rush around
First Known Use: 1566

Synonym Discussion of FLAUNT

show, exhibit, display, expose, parade, flaunt mean to present so as to invite notice or attention. show implies no more than enabling another to see or examine <showed her snapshots to the whole group>. exhibit stresses putting forward prominently or openly <exhibit paintings at a gallery>. display emphasizes putting in a position where others may see to advantage <display sale items>. expose suggests bringing forth from concealment and displaying <sought to expose the hypocrisy of the town fathers>. parade implies an ostentatious or arrogant displaying <parading their piety for all to see>. flaunt suggests a shameless, boastful, often offensive parading <nouveaux riches flaunting their wealth>.

show, manifest, evidence, evince, demonstrate mean to reveal outwardly or make apparent. show is the general term but sometimes implies that what is revealed must be gained by inference from acts, looks, or words <careful not to show his true feelings>. manifest implies a plainer, more immediate revelation <manifested musical ability at an early age>. evidence suggests serving as proof of the actuality or existence of something <a commitment evidenced by years of loyal service>. evince implies a showing by outward marks or signs <evinced not the slightest fear>. demonstrate implies showing by action or by display of feeling <demonstrated their approval by loud applause>.

Rhymes with FLAUNT

FLAUNTY Defined for Kids


verb \ˈflnt\

Definition of FLAUNT for Kids

:  to wave or flutter in a showy way <The flag flaunts in the breeze.>
:  to show in a way that attracts attention <They like to flaunt their money.>


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