

verb ex·tract \ik-ˈstrakt, oftenest in sense 5 ˈek-ˌ\

: to remove (something) by pulling it out or cutting it out

: to get (information, a response, etc.) from someone who does not want to give it

: to get (something, such as information) from something

Full Definition of EXTRACT

transitive verb
a :  to draw forth (as by research) <extract data>
b :  to pull or take out forcibly <extracted a wisdom tooth>
c :  to obtain by much effort from someone unwilling <extracted a confession>
a :  to withdraw (as a juice or fraction) by physical or chemical process
b :  to treat with a solvent so as to remove a soluble substance
:  to separate (a metal) from an ore
:  to determine (a mathematical root) by calculation
:  to select (excerpts) and copy out or cite
ex·tract·abil·i·ty \ik-ˌstrak-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē, (ˌ)ek-\ noun
ex·tract·able \ik-ˈstrak-tə-bəl, ˈek-ˌ\ adjective

Origin of EXTRACT

Middle English, from Latin extractus, past participle of extrahere, from ex- + trahere to draw
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of EXTRACT

educe, evoke, elicit, extract, extort mean to draw out something hidden, latent, or reserved. educe implies the bringing out of something potential or latent <educed order out of chaos>. evoke implies a strong stimulus that arouses an emotion or an interest or recalls an image or memory <a song that evokes warm memories>. elicit usually implies some effort or skill in drawing forth a response <careful questioning elicited the truth>. extract implies the use of force or pressure in obtaining answers or information <extracted a confession from him>. extort suggests a wringing or wresting from one who resists strongly <extorted their cooperation by threatening to inform>.

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noun ex·tract \ˈek-ˌstrakt\

: a substance that you get from something by using a machine or chemicals

: a short piece of writing that is taken from a longer work (such as a book)

Full Definition of EXTRACT

:  a selection from a writing or discourse :  excerpt
:  a product (as an essence or concentrate) prepared by extracting; especially :  a solution (as in alcohol) of essential constituents of a complex material (as meat or an aromatic plant)

First Known Use of EXTRACT

15th century

Other Food Terms

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EXTRACTS Defined for Kids


verb ex·tract \ik-ˈstrakt\

Definition of EXTRACT for Kids

:  to remove by pulling <extract a tooth>
:  to get out by pressing, distilling, or by a chemical process <extract juice>
:  to choose and take out for separate use <He extracted a few lines from a poem.>

Word Root of EXTRACT

The Latin word tractus, meaning pulled or dragged, gives us the root tract. Words from the Latin tractus have to do with being pulled or dragged. To attract is to pull or draw towards you. To distract is to pull someone's attention away from something. To extract is to pull one thing out of another. To subtract is to pull a portion or number away from a group or from a whole.


noun ex·tract \ˈek-ˌstrakt\

Definition of EXTRACT for Kids

:  a selection from a writing
:  a product obtained by pressing, distilling, or by a chemical process <vanilla extract>
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