

adjective cryp·tic \ˈkrip-tik\

: difficult to understand : having or seeming to have a hidden meaning

Full Definition of CRYPTIC

:  secret, occult
a :  having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning :  mysterious <cryptic messages>
b :  marked by an often perplexing brevity <cryptic marginal notes>
:  serving to conceal <cryptic coloration in animals>; also :  exhibiting cryptic coloration <cryptic animals>
:  not recognized <a cryptic infection>
:  employing cipher or code
cryp·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

Examples of CRYPTIC

  1. … his hectic characters either communicate in choppy or cryptic exchanges or rattle on in breathless recitations full of contradictions and asides. —Donna Seaman, Booklist, 15 Mar. 1994

Origin of CRYPTIC

Late Latin crypticus, from Greek kryptikos, from kryptos
First Known Use: circa 1638

Synonym Discussion of CRYPTIC

obscure, dark, vague, enigmatic, cryptic, ambiguous, equivocal mean not clearly understandable. obscure implies a hiding or veiling of meaning through some inadequacy of expression or withholding of full knowledge <obscure poems>. dark implies an imperfect or clouded revelation often with ominous or sinister suggestion <muttered dark hints of revenge>. vague implies a lack of clear formulation due to inadequate conception or consideration <a vague sense of obligation>. enigmatic stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality <enigmatic occult writings>. cryptic implies a purposely concealed meaning <cryptic hints of hidden treasure>. ambiguous applies to language capable of more than one interpretation <an ambiguous directive>. equivocal applies to language left open to differing interpretations with the intention of deceiving or evading <moral precepts with equivocal phrasing>.

Rhymes with CRYPTIC

CRYPTICALLY Defined for Kids


adjective cryp·tic \ˈkrip-tik\

Definition of CRYPTIC for Kids

:  difficult to understand or make sense of <He left a cryptic message.>
Medical Dictionary


adjective cryp·tic \ˈkrip-tik\

Medical Definition of CRYPTIC

:  serving to conceal <cryptic coloration in animals>
:  not recognized <a cryptic infection> <cryptic cases of lead poisoning>
cryp·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb


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