Medical Dictionary


noun rec·tus \ˈrek-təs\
plural rec·ti \-ˌtī\

Medical Definition of RECTUS

:  any of several straight muscles (as the rectus abdominis or the rectus femoris)
:  any of four muscles of the eyeball that arise from the border of the optic foramen and run forward to insert into the sclera of the eyeball: a :  one that is the thinnest and narrowest and inserts into the superior aspect of the sclera—called also rectus superior, superior rectus b :  one that is the longest, arises by two heads, and inserts into the lateral aspect of the sclera—called also lateral rectus, rectus lateralis c :  one that is the broadest and inserts into the medial aspect of the sclera—called also medial rectus, rectus medialis d :  one that inserts into the inferior aspect of the sclera—called also inferior rectus, rectus inferior
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