

verb \ˈvent\

: to allow (something, such as smoke or gas) to go out through an opening

: to express (an emotion) usually in a loud or angry manner

Full Definition of VENT

transitive verb
:  to provide with a vent
a :  to serve as a vent for <chimneys vent smoke>
b :  discharge, expel
c :  to give often vigorous or emotional expression to <vented her frustration on her coworkers>
:  to relieve by means of a vent <vented himself in a fiery letter to the editor>
intransitive verb
:  to relieve oneself by venting something (as anger) <comes home from work and vents to the kids>

Origin of VENT

Middle English, in part from 2vent, in part short for aventen to release (air), from Anglo-French aventer, alteration of Old French esventer to air, from es- ex- (from Latin ex-) + vent wind, from Latin ventus — more at wind
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of VENT

express, vent, utter, voice, broach, air mean to make known what one thinks or feels. express suggests an impulse to reveal in words, gestures, actions, or what one creates or produces <expressed her feelings in music>. vent stresses a strong inner compulsion to express especially in words <a tirade venting his frustration>. utter implies the use of the voice not necessarily in articulate speech <utter a groan>. voice does not necessarily imply vocal utterance but does imply expression or formulation in words <an editorial voicing their concerns>. broach adds the implication of disclosing for the first time something long thought over or reserved for a suitable occasion <broached the subject of a divorce>. air implies an exposing or parading of one's views often in order to gain relief or sympathy or attention <publicly airing their differences>.



Definition of VENT

:  an opening for the escape of a gas or liquid or for the relief of pressure: as
a :  the external opening of the rectum or cloaca :  anus
b (1) :  pipe 3c, fumarole
(2) :  hydrothermal vent
c :  an opening at the breech of a muzzle-loading gun through which fire is touched to the powder
d chiefly Scottish :  chimney, flue
:  an opportunity or means of escape, passage, or release :  outlet <finally gave vent to his pent-up hostility>
vent·less \-ləs\ adjective

Origin of VENT

Middle English, anus, outlet, probably from Anglo-French, wind, draft, outlet
First Known Use: 15th century

Other Building Terms

batten, cistern, hearth, lath, transom, wainscot



Definition of VENT

:  a slit in a garment; specifically :  an opening in the lower part of a seam (as of a jacket or skirt)
vent·less adjective

Origin of VENT

Middle English vente, alteration of fente, from Middle French, slit, fissure, from fendre to split, from Latin findere — more at bite
First Known Use: 15th century
VENTING Defined for Kids


verb \ˈvent\

Definition of VENT for Kids

:  to provide with an outlet <Dangerous gases were vented to the outside.>
:  to serve as an outlet for <Chimneys vent smoke.>
:  1express 1 <He needs to vent his anger.>



Definition of VENT for Kids

:  an opening for the escape of a gas or liquid or for the relief of pressure
:  an opportunity or means of release <His writing gives vent to his anger.>
Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈvent\

Medical Definition of VENT

:  an opening for the escape of a gas or liquid or for the relief of pressure; especially :  the external opening of the rectum or cloaca :  anus


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