

noun tu·ber·cle \ˈtü-bər-kəl, ˈtyü-\

Definition of TUBERCLE

:  a small knobby prominence or excrescence especially on a plant or animal :  nodule: as
a :  a protuberance near the head of a rib that articulates with the transverse process of a vertebra
b :  any of several prominences in the central nervous system
c :  nodule b
:  a small abnormal discrete lump in the substance of an organ or in the skin; especially :  the specific lesion of tuberculosis

Origin of TUBERCLE

Latin tuberculum, diminutive of tuber
First Known Use: 1578
Medical Dictionary


noun tu·ber·cle \ˈt(y)ü-bər-kəl\

Medical Definition of TUBERCLE

:  a small knobby prominence or excrescence: as a :  a prominence on the crown of a molar tooth b :  a small rough prominence (as the greater tubercle or adductor tubercle) on a bone usually being smaller than a tuberosity and serving for the attachment of one or more muscles or ligaments c :  an eminence near the head of a rib that articulates with the transverse process of a vertebra d :  any of several prominences (as the acoustic tubercle) in the central nervous system that mark the nuclei of various nerves
:  a small discrete lump in the substance of an organ or in the skin; especially :  the specific lesion of tuberculosis consisting of a packed mass of epithelioid cells, giant cells, disintegration products of white blood cells and bacilli, and usually a necrotic center


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