

noun tex·as \ˈtek-səs, -siz\

Definition of TEXAS

:  a structure on the awning deck of a steamer that contains the officers' cabins and has the pilothouse in front or on top

Origin of TEXAS

Texas, state of United States; from the naming of cabins on Mississippi steamboats after states, the officers' cabins being the largest
First Known Use: 1857

Rhymes with TEXAS


geographical name Tex·as \ˈtek-səs, -siz\

Definition of TEXAS

state S United States Austin area 266,807 square miles (691,030 square kilometers), pop 25,145,561
Tex·an \-sən\ adjective or noun

Rhymes with TEXAS

TEXAS Defined for Kids


geographical name Tex·as \ˈtek-səs, -siz\

Definition of TEXAS for Kids

state S U.S.; capital, Austin
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