


: unusual or extreme in a way that attracts attention

: very attractive especially in an unusual or interesting way

Full Definition of STRIKING

:  attracting attention or notice through unusual or conspicuous qualities <a place of striking beauty>
strik·ing·ly adverb

First Known Use of STRIKING


Synonym Discussion of STRIKING

noticeable, remarkable, prominent, outstanding, conspicuous, salient, striking mean attracting notice or attention. noticeable applies to something unlikely to escape observation <a piano recital with no noticeable errors>. remarkable applies to something so extraordinary or exceptional as to invite comment <a film of remarkable intelligence and wit>. prominent applies to something commanding notice by standing out from its surroundings or background <a doctor who occupies a prominent position in the town>. outstanding applies to something that rises above and excels others of the same kind <honored for her outstanding contributions to science>. conspicuous applies to something that is obvious and unavoidable to the sight or mind <conspicuous bureaucratic waste>. salient applies to something of significance that merits the attention given it <the salient points of the speech>. striking applies to something that impresses itself powerfully and deeply upon the observer's mind or vision <the region's striking poverty>.

Rhymes with STRIKING

STRIKINGLY Defined for Kids


adjective strik·ing \ˈstrī-kiŋ\

Definition of STRIKING for Kids

:  attracting attention :  remarkable <a striking resemblance>
strik·ing·ly adverb


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