

transitive verb se·duce \si-ˈdüs, -ˈdyüs\

: to persuade (someone) to have sex with you

: to persuade (someone) to do something


Full Definition of SEDUCE

:  to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty
:  to lead astray usually by persuasion or false promises
:  to carry out the physical seduction of :  entice to sexual intercourse
:  attract
se·duc·er noun

Origin of SEDUCE

Late Latin seducere, from Latin, to lead away, from se- apart + ducere to lead — more at tow
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of SEDUCE

lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce mean to lead astray from one's true course. lure implies a drawing into danger, evil, or difficulty through attracting and deceiving <lured naive investors with get-rich-quick schemes>. entice suggests drawing by artful or adroit means <advertising designed to entice new customers>. inveigle implies enticing by cajoling or flattering <fund-raisers inveigling wealthy alumni>. decoy implies a luring into entrapment by artifice <attempting to decoy the enemy into an ambush>. tempt implies the presenting of an attraction so strong that it overcomes the restraints of conscience or better judgment <tempted by the offer of money>. seduce implies a leading astray by persuasion or false promises <seduced by assurances of assistance>.
SEDUCING Defined for Kids


verb se·duce \si-ˈdüs, -ˈdyüs\

Definition of SEDUCE for Kids

:  to persuade (someone) to do something and especially to do something wrong <She was seduced into crime.>


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