

adjective \ˈsad\

Definition of SAD

a :  affected with or expressive of grief or unhappiness :  downcast
b (1) :  causing or associated with grief or unhappiness :  depressing <sad news>
(2) :  regrettable, deplorable <a sad relaxation of morals — C. W. Cunnington>
c :  of little worth
:  of a dull somber color
sad·ly adverb
sad·ness noun

Origin of SAD

Middle English, from Old English sæd sated; akin to Old High German sat sated, Latin satis enough
First Known Use: 13th century

Related to SAD

bad, blue, brokenhearted, cast down, crestfallen, dejected, depressed, despondent, disconsolate, doleful, down, downcast, downhearted, down in the mouth, droopy, forlorn, gloomy, glum, hangdog, heartbroken, heartsick, heartsore, heavyhearted, inconsolable, joyless, low, low-spirited, melancholic, melancholy, miserable, mournful, saddened, sorrowful, sorry, unhappy, woebegone, woeful, wretched
blissful, buoyant, buoyed, cheerful, cheery, chipper, delighted, glad, gladdened, gladsome, gleeful, happy, joyful, joyous, jubilant, sunny, upbeat

Rhymes with SAD



Definition of SAD

seasonal affective disorder

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SADDER Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈsad\

Definition of SAD for Kids

:  feeling or showing sorrow or unhappiness <I'm sad that you're leaving.> <The dog had sad eyes.>
:  causing sorrow or unhappiness <sad news>
sad·ly adverb
sad·ness noun

Word History of SAD

The word sad goes far back into the past of the English language, though modern meanings such as unhappy or causing sorrow give us little idea of its history. It comes from the Old English word sæd, which meant full, having had enough, a sense matched by related words in other languages, such as German satt. In Middle English, sad continued to mean full, but it also developed many other senses, such as firmly established, fixed, solid, weighty, sober, serious, true, real, and deep, intense (of a color). The meaning sorrowful was in use fairly early, by about 1300, though strangely enough only this sense among all the others has lasted into modern English.


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