

noun pyr·a·mid \ˈpir-ə-ˌmid\

: a very large structure built especially in ancient Egypt that has a square base and four triangular sides which form a point at the top

: a shape, object, or pile that is wide near the bottom and narrows gradually as it reaches the top

: something that resembles a pyramid in the way its parts are arranged or organized

Full Definition of PYRAMID

a :  an ancient massive structure found especially in Egypt having typically a square ground plan, outside walls in the form of four triangles that meet in a point at the top, and inner sepulchral chambers
b :  a structure or object of similar form
:  a polyhedron having for its base a polygon and for faces triangles with a common vertex — see volume table
:  a crystalline form each face of which intersects the vertical axis and either two lateral axes or in the tetragonal system one lateral axis
:  an anatomical structure resembling a pyramid: as
a :  any of the conical masses that project from the renal medulla into the kidney pelvis
b :  either of two large bundles of motor fibers from the cerebral cortex that reach the medulla oblongata and are continuous with the pyramidal tracts of the spinal cord
:  an immaterial structure built on a broad supporting base and narrowing gradually to an apex <the socioeconomic pyramid>
py·ra·mi·dal \pə-ˈra-mə-dəl, ˌpir-ə-ˈmi-\ adjective
py·ra·mi·dal·ly adverb
pyr·a·mid·i·cal \ˌpir-ə-ˈmi-di-kəl\ adjective

Illustration of PYRAMID

Origin of PYRAMID

Latin pyramid-, pyramis, from Greek
First Known Use: 1549

Other Archaeology Terms

Attic, Byzantine, Paleolithic, cairn, core, flint, horizon, neolithic, shard, stratum



Definition of PYRAMID

intransitive verb
:  to speculate (as on a security or commodity exchange) by using paper profits as margin for additional transactions
:  to increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base
transitive verb
:  to arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid
:  to use (as profits) in speculative pyramiding
:  to increase the impact of (as a tax assessed at the production level) on the ultimate consumer by treating as a cost subject to markup

First Known Use of PYRAMID

circa 1900
PYRAMIDING Defined for Kids


noun pyr·a·mid \ˈpir-ə-ˌmid\

Definition of PYRAMID for Kids

:  a large structure built especially in ancient Egypt that usually has a square base and four triangular sides meeting at a point and that contains tombs
:  a shape or structure with a polygon for its base and three or more triangles for its sides which meet to form the top
Medical Dictionary


noun pyr·a·mid \ˈpir-ə-ˌmid\

Medical Definition of PYRAMID

:  a polyhedron having for its base a polygon and for faces triangles with a common vertex
:  an anatomical structure resembling a pyramid: as a :  renal pyramid b :  either of two large bundles of motor fibers from the cerebral cortex that reach the medulla oblongata and are continuous with the corticospinal tracts of the spinal cord c :  a conical projection making up the central part of the inferior vermis of the cerebellum


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