

adjective piti·able \ˈpi-tē-ə-bəl\

: deserving pity or sympathy

Full Definition of PITIABLE

:  deserving or exciting pity :  lamentable <pitiable victims>
:  of a kind to evoke mingled pity and contempt especially because of inadequacy <a pitiable excuse>
piti·able·ness noun
piti·ably \-blē\ adverb

First Known Use of PITIABLE

15th century

Synonym Discussion of PITIABLE

contemptible, despicable, pitiable, sorry, scurvy mean arousing or deserving scorn. contemptible may imply any quality provoking scorn or a low standing in any scale of values <a contemptible liar>. despicable may imply utter worthlessness and usually suggests arousing an attitude of moral indignation <a despicable crime>. pitiable applies to what inspires mixed contempt and pity <a pitiable attempt at tragedy>. sorry may stress pitiable inadequacy or may suggest wretchedness or sordidness <this rattletrap is a sorry excuse for a car>. scurvy adds to despicable an implication of arousing disgust <a scurvy crew of hangers-on>.
PITIABLY Defined for Kids


adjective piti·able \ˈpi-tē-ə-bəl\

Definition of PITIABLE for Kids

:  pitiful


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