

adjective pi·quant \ˈpē-kənt, -ˌkänt; ˈpi-kwənt\

: having a pleasant, spicy taste

: interesting and exciting

Full Definition of PIQUANT

:  engagingly provocative; also :  having a lively arch charm
:  agreeably stimulating to the palate; especially :  spicy
pi·quant·ly adverb
pi·quant·ness noun

Origin of PIQUANT

Middle French, from present participle of piquer
First Known Use: 1616

Synonym Discussion of PIQUANT

pungent, piquant, poignant, racy mean sharp and stimulating to the mind or the senses. pungent implies a sharp, stinging, or biting quality especially of odors <a cheese with a pungent odor>. piquant suggests a power to whet the appetite or interest through tartness or mild pungency <a piquant sauce>. poignant suggests something is sharply or piercingly effective in stirring one's emotions <felt a poignant sense of loss>. racy implies having a strongly characteristic natural quality fresh and unimpaired <spontaneous, racy prose>.

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