

noun, ja·va often capitalized \ˈja-və, ˈjä-, -vē\

Definition of JAVA

:  coffee

Origin of JAVA

Java, island of Indonesia
First Known Use: 1823

Other Food Terms

Reuben, calamari, chuck, curry, edamame, foie gras, hummus, leaven, nonpareil, peel

Rhymes with JAVA


geographical name Ja·va \ˈjä-və, ˈja-\

Definition of JAVA

island Indonesia SE of Sumatra; chief city Jakarta area 51,007 square miles (132,618 square kilometers), pop 107,581,306

Variants of JAVA

Ja·va or Indonesian Dja·wa \ˈjä-və\

Rhymes with JAVA

JAVA Defined for Kids


geographical name Ja·va \ˈjä-və, ˈja-\

Definition of JAVA for Kids

island Indonesia SW of Borneo; chief city, Jakarta
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