

verb \i-ˈjekt\

: to force (someone) to leave

: to push (something) out

: to use a special device that throws you out and away from an airplane in an emergency : to use an ejection seat

Full Definition of EJECT

transitive verb
a :  to throw out especially by physical force, authority, or influence <ejected the player from the game>
b :  to evict from property
:  to throw out or off from within <ejects the empty cartridges>
eject·able \-ˈjek-tə-bəl\ adjective
ejec·tion \-ˈjek-shən\ noun
ejec·tive \-ˈjek-tiv\ adjective

Origin of EJECT

Middle English, from Latin ejectus, past participle of eicere, from e- + jacere
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of EJECT

eject, expel, oust, evict mean to drive or force out. eject carries an especially strong implication of throwing or thrusting out from within as a physical action <ejected an obnoxious patron from the bar>. expel stresses a thrusting out or driving away especially permanently which need not be physical <a student expelled from college>. oust implies removal or dispossession by power of the law or by force or compulsion <police ousted the squatters>. evict chiefly applies to turning out of house and home <evicted for nonpayment of rent>.
EJECTS Defined for Kids


verb \i-ˈjekt\

Definition of EJECT for Kids

:  to force or push out <He was ejected from the meeting.> <The machine ejected the tape.>

Word Root of EJECT

The Latin word jacere, meaning to throw, and its form jactus give us the root ject. Words from the Latin jacere have something to do with throwing. To reject is to throw back or away. To eject is to throw out. To inject is to throw one thing into another. To project is to throw forward onto a surface.
Medical Dictionary


transitive verb \i-ˈjekt\

Medical Definition of EJECT

:  to force out or expel from within <blood ejected from the heart—S. F. Mason>
ejec·tion \-ˈjek-shən\ noun


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