

verb cor·rect \kə-ˈrekt\

: to change (something) so that it is right, true, proper, etc. : to make (something) correct

: to mark the errors on (something that a person has written)

: to deal with or take care of (a problem, bad situation, etc.) successfully

Full Definition of CORRECT

transitive verb
a :  to make or set right :  amend <correct an error>
b :  counteract, neutralize <correct a harmful tendency>
c :  to alter or adjust so as to bring to some standard or required condition <correct a lens for spherical aberration>
a :  to punish (as a child) with a view to reforming or improving
b :  to point out usually for amendment the errors or faults of <spent the day correcting tests>
cor·rect·able \-ˈrek-tə-bəl\ adjective
cor·rec·tor \-ˈrek-tər\ noun

Origin of CORRECT

Middle English, from Latin correctus, past participle of corrigere, from com- + regere to lead straight — more at right
First Known Use: 14th century

Synonym Discussion of CORRECT

correct, rectify, emend, remedy, redress, amend, reform, revise mean to make right what is wrong. correct implies taking action to remove errors, faults, deviations, defects <correct your spelling>. rectify implies a more essential changing to make something right, just, or properly controlled or directed <rectify a misguided policy>. emend specifically implies correction of a text or manuscript <emend a text>. remedy implies removing or making harmless a cause of trouble, harm, or evil <set out to remedy the evils of the world>. redress implies making compensation or reparation for an unfairness, injustice, or imbalance <redress past social injustices>. amend, reform, revise imply an improving by making corrective changes, amend usually suggesting slight changes <amend a law>, reform implying drastic change <plans to reform the court system>, and revise suggesting a careful examination of something and the making of necessary changes <revise the schedule>.
synonyms see in addition punish



: true or accurate : agreeing with facts

: having no errors or mistakes

: proper or appropriate in a particular situation

Full Definition of CORRECT

:  conforming to an approved or conventional standard <correct behavior>
:  conforming to or agreeing with fact, logic, or known truth <a correct response>
:  conforming to a set figure <enclosed the correct return postage>
:  conforming to the strict requirements of a specific ideology or set of beliefs or values <environmentally correct> <spiritually correct>
cor·rect·ly \kə-ˈrek(t)-lē\ adverb
cor·rect·ness \-ˈrek(t)-nəs\ noun

Origin of CORRECT

Middle English, corrected, from Latin correctus, from past participle of corrigere
First Known Use: 1668

Synonym Discussion of CORRECT

correct, accurate, exact, precise, nice, right mean conforming to fact, standard, or truth. correct usually implies freedom from fault or error <correct answers> <socially correct dress>. accurate implies fidelity to fact or truth attained by exercise of care <an accurate description>. exact stresses a very strict agreement with fact, standard, or truth <exact measurements>. precise adds to exact an emphasis on sharpness of definition or delimitation <precise calibration>. nice stresses great precision and delicacy of adjustment or discrimination <makes nice distinctions>. right is close to correct but has a stronger positive emphasis on conformity to fact or truth rather than mere absence of error or fault <the right thing to do>.
CORRECTED Defined for Kids


verb cor·rect \kə-ˈrekt\

Definition of CORRECT for Kids

:  to make or set right <Please correct any misspelled words.>
:  to change or adjust so as to bring to some standard or to a required condition <My watch was slow, so I corrected it.> <Glasses will correct your vision.>
:  to punish in order to improve <… Buldeo went out angrily … anxious to correct Mowgli for not taking better care of the herd. — Rudyard Kipling, The Jungle Book>
:  to show how a thing can be improved or made right <She corrected the students' papers.>



Definition of CORRECT for Kids

:  free from mistakes :  accurate <the correct answer>
:  meeting or agreeing with some standard :  appropriate <correct behavior> <correct dress for school>
cor·rect·ly adverb
cor·rect·ness noun

Word Root of CORRECT

The Latin word rēctus, meaning straight or right, gives us the root rect. Words from the Latin rēctus have something to do with being straight or correct. Something erect stands straight up. Something correct is right. A rectangle is a shape made of four straight lines and four right angles.

Synonym Discussion of CORRECT

correct, exact, and accurate mean agreeing with a fact, truth, or standard. correct is used for something that contains no errors. <Can you give me correct directions?> exact is used for something that agrees very closely with fact or truth. <I need the exact measurements of the room.> accurate is used when great care has been taken to make sure that something agrees with the facts. <He gave an accurate description of the scene.>
Medical Dictionary


transitive verb cor·rect \kə-ˈrekt\

Medical Definition of CORRECT

:  to alter or adjust so as to bring to some standard or required condition <correct a lens for spherical aberration>
cor·rect·able \-ˈrek-tə-bəl\ adjective


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