

verb con·sign \kən-ˈsīn\

: to put (someone) in a usually unpleasant place or situation

: to put (something that is not wanted or used) in a place where old things are stored or thrown away

: to send (something) to a person or place to be sold

Full Definition of CONSIGN

transitive verb
:  to give over to another's care
:  to give, transfer, or deliver into the hands or control of another; also :  to commit especially to a final destination or fate <a writer consigned to oblivion>
:  to send or address to an agent to be cared for or sold
intransitive verb
obsolete :  agree, submit
con·sign·able \-ˈsī-nə-bəl\ adjective
con·sig·na·tion \ˌkän-ˌsī-ˈnā-shən, ˌkän(t)-sig-\ noun
con·sign·or \ˌkän-ˌsī-ˈnr, kən-\ noun

Origin of CONSIGN

Middle French consigner, from Latin consignare, from com- + signum sign, mark, seal — more at sign
First Known Use: 1528

Synonym Discussion of CONSIGN

commit, entrust, confide, consign, relegate mean to assign to a person or place for a definite purpose. commit may express the general idea of delivering into another's charge or the special sense of transferring to a superior power or to a special place of custody <committed the felon to prison>. entrust implies committing with trust and confidence <the president is entrusted with broad powers>. confide implies entrusting with great assurance or reliance <confided complete control of my affairs to my attorney>. consign suggests removing from one's control with formality or finality <consigned the damaging notes to the fire>. relegate implies a consigning to a particular class or sphere often with a suggestion of getting rid of <relegated to an obscure position in the company>.
CONSIGNING Defined for Kids


verb con·sign \kən-ˈsīn\

Definition of CONSIGN for Kids

:  to send (as goods) to an agent to be sold or cared for
:  to put (something) in a place to store it or get rid of it <She consigned her old toys to the attic.>
con·sign·ment \-mənt\ noun


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