

noun cam·eo \ˈka-mē-ˌō\

: a small role in a movie, play, etc., that is performed by a well-known actor

: a piece of jewelry that has a carved design shown against a background of a different color

plural cam·eos

Full Definition of CAMEO

a :  a gem carved in relief; especially :  a small piece of sculpture on a stone or shell cut in relief in one layer with another contrasting layer serving as background
b :  a small medallion with a profiled head in relief
:  a carving or sculpture made in the manner of a cameo
:  a usually brief literary or filmic piece that brings into delicate or sharp relief the character of a person, place, or event
:  a small theatrical role usually performed by a well-known actor and often limited to a single scene; broadly :  a brief appearance or role
cameo adjective
cameo transitive verb

Origin of CAMEO

Middle English camew, from Middle French camau, kamaheu
First Known Use: 15th century

Other Jewelry Terms

bijou, brilliant, chase, facet, lapidary, paste

Rhymes with CAMEO

acid snow, afterglow, aikido, alpenglow, apropos, art deco, art nouveau, audio, Baguio, Bamako, barrio, bay window, Bergamo, bibelot, Bilbao, black widow, blow-by-blow, body blow, bone marrow, bordereau, Borneo, bow window, buffalo, Buffalo, bungalow, Bushido, buteo, calico, cachalot, cembalo, centimo, CEO, chassepot, cheerio, Clemenceau, cogito, comedo, comme il faut, counterflow, Cupid's bow, curaçao, Curaçao, curassow, curio, daimyo, danio, Delano, Diderot, do-si-do, domino, dynamo, embryo, entrepôt, Erato, escargot, Eskimo, extrados, fabliau, folio, French window, fricandeau, furbelow, gigolo, golden glow, go-no-go, grass widow, guacharo, hammer throw, hammertoe, haricot, heel-and-toe, hetero, high and low, HMO, Holy Joe, horror show, Idaho, in a row, indigo, in escrow, in the know, Jericho, kakapo, latigo, little toe, long-ago, Longfellow, Maceió, Maginot, Manchukuo, medico, Mexico, mistletoe, modulo, Monaco, Navajo, NCO, nuncio, oleo, olio, on tiptoe, Oreo, overflow, overgrow, overthrow, ovolo, Pamlico, Papago, paseo, picaro, piccolo, Pierrot, polio, pomelo, pompano, portico, PPO, Prospero, proximo, quid pro quo, radio, raree-show, ratio, Richard Roe, Rochambeau, rococo, rodeo, Romeo, rose window, round window, saddlebow, Sapporo, sapsago, Scapa Flow, Scipio, Scorpio, semipro, show window, sloppy joe, so-and-so, SRO, standing O, status quo, stereo, stop-and-go, studio, subito, tallyho, tangelo, Taranto, tic-tac-toe, TKO, to-and-fro, Tokyo, tombolo, touch-and-go, tournedos, tremolo, tuckahoe, tupelo, UFO, ultimo, undergo, undertow, Veneto, vertigo, vibrio, video, virago, vireo, Zhangjiakou, zydeco


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