

verb \ˈts, ˈtäs\

: to throw (something) with a quick, light motion

: to move or lift (something, such as a part of your body) quickly or suddenly

: to move (something) back and forth or up and down

Full Definition of TOSS

transitive verb
a :  to fling or heave continuously about, to and fro, or up and down <a ship tossed by waves>
b :  bandy 2
c :  to mix lightly until well coated with a dressing or until the elements are thoroughly combined <toss a salad>
:  to make uneasy :  stir up :  disturb
a :  to throw with a quick, light, or careless motion or with a sudden jerk <toss a ball around>
b :  to throw up in the air <tossed by a bull>
c :  match 5a
d :  to send as if by throwing <tossed in jail> <tossed out of the game>
e :  to get rid of :  throw away
a :  to fling or lift with a sudden motion <tosses her head angrily>
b :  to tilt suddenly so as to empty by drinking <tossed his glass>; also :  to consume by drinking <toss down a drink>
:  to accomplish, provide, or produce readily or easily <toss off a few verses>
:  throw 18 <toss a party>
:  vomit 1 —often used in the phrase toss one's cookies
intransitive verb
a :  to move restlessly or turbulently; especially :  to twist and turn repeatedly <tossed sleeplessly all night>
b :  to move with a quick or spirited gesture
:  to decide an issue by flipping a coin
toss·er noun

Origin of TOSS

Middle English
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of TOSS

throw, cast, toss, fling, hurl, pitch, sling mean to cause to move swiftly through space by a propulsive movement or a propelling force. throw is general and interchangeable with the other terms but may specifically imply a distinctive motion with bent arm <can throw a fastball and a curve>. cast usually implies lightness in the thing thrown and sometimes a scattering <cast it to the winds>. toss suggests a light or careless or aimless throwing and may imply an upward motion <tossed the coat on the bed>. fling stresses a violent throwing <flung the ring back in his face>. hurl implies power as in throwing a massive weight <hurled himself at the intruder>. pitch suggests throwing carefully at a target <pitch horseshoes>. sling stresses either the use of whirling momentum in throwing or directness of aim <slung the bag over his shoulder>.

Rhymes with TOSS



: the act of throwing or tossing something with a quick, light motion

: the act of throwing a coin up into the air in order to make a decision about something based on which side of the coin is shown after it lands

: the act of moving your head suddenly upward and backward

Full Definition of TOSS

:  the state or fact of being tossed
:  an act or instance of tossing: as
a :  an abrupt tilting or upward fling
b :  a deciding by chance and especially by flipping a coin
c :  throw, pitch

First Known Use of TOSS

TOSSING Defined for Kids


verb \ˈts\

Definition of TOSS for Kids

:  to throw with a quick light motion
:  to lift with a sudden motion <The horse tossed its head.>
:  to throw or swing back and forth or up and down <Waves tossed the ship about.>
:  to be thrown about rapidly <A canoe was tossing on the waves.>
:  to move about restlessly <Instead of sleeping, he tossed in his bed.>
:  to stir or mix lightly <tossed salad>



Definition of TOSS for Kids

:  an act or instance of throwing something
:  the act of lifting with a sudden motion <a toss of the head>


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