
Santa Claus

noun San·ta Claus \ˈsan-tə-ˌklz also ˈsan-tē-\

: an imaginary fat man with a white beard and a red suit who gives toys to children at Christmas

Full Definition of SANTA CLAUS

:  a plump white-bearded and red-suited old man in modern folklore who delivers presents to good children at Christmastime —called also Santa


modification of Dutch Sinterklaas, alteration of Sint Nikolaas Saint Nicholas
First Known Use: 1773
SANTA Defined for Kids

Santa Claus

noun San·ta Claus \ˈsan-tə-ˌklz\

Definition of SANTA CLAUS for Kids

:  the spirit of Christmas as represented by a plump jolly old man with a white beard who is dressed in a red suit and delivers presents to good children
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