

noun re·treat \ri-ˈtrēt\

: movement by soldiers away from an enemy because the enemy is winning or has won a battle

: movement away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc.

: the act of changing your opinion or position on something because it is unpopular

Full Definition of RETREAT

a (1) :  an act or process of withdrawing especially from what is difficult, dangerous, or disagreeable (2) :  the process of receding from a position or state attained <the retreat of a glacier>
b (1) :  the usually forced withdrawal of troops from an enemy or from an advanced position
(2) :  a signal for retreating
c (1) :  a signal given by bugle at the beginning of a military flag-lowering ceremony
(2) :  a military flag-lowering ceremony
:  a place of privacy or safety :  refuge
:  a period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study, or instruction under a director

Origin of RETREAT

Middle English retret, from Anglo-French retrait, from past participle of retraire to withdraw, from Latin retrahere, from re- + trahere to draw
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Military Terms

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: to move back to get away from danger, attack, etc.

: to move or go away from a place or situation especially because it is dangerous, unpleasant, etc.

: to change your opinion or statement about something because it is unpopular

Full Definition of RETREAT

intransitive verb
:  to make a retreat :  withdraw
:  to slope backward
transitive verb
:  to draw or lead back :  remove; specifically :  to move (a piece) back in chess
re·treat·er noun

First Known Use of RETREAT

15th century

Synonym Discussion of RETREAT

recede, retreat, retract, back mean to move backward. recede implies a gradual withdrawing from a forward or high fixed point in time or space <the flood waters gradually receded>. retreat implies withdrawal from a point or position reached <retreating soldiers>. retract implies drawing back from an extended position <a cat retracting its claws>. back is used with up, down, out, or off to refer to any retrograde motion <backed off on the throttle>.
RETREATING Defined for Kids


noun re·treat \ri-ˈtrēt\

Definition of RETREAT for Kids

:  an act of going back or away especially from something dangerous, difficult, or disagreeable <The enemy is in retreat.>
:  a military signal for turning away from the enemy <He sounded the retreat.>
:  a place of privacy or safety <a mountain retreat>
:  a period of time in which a person goes away to pray, think quietly, or study



Definition of RETREAT for Kids

:  to move back or away especially from something dangerous, difficult, or disagreeable <The troops retreated at nightfall.>
:  to go to a place of privacy or safety <The family retreated to their summer home.>


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