

noun liv·er \ˈli-vər\

Definition of LIVER

a :  a large very vascular glandular organ of vertebrates that secretes bile and causes important changes in many of the substances contained in the blood (as by converting sugars into glycogen which it stores up until required and by forming urea)
b :  any of various large compound glands associated with the digestive tract of invertebrate animals and probably concerned with the secretion of digestive enzymes
archaic :  a determinant of the quality or temper of a man
:  the liver of an animal (as a calf or chicken) eaten as food
:  a grayish reddish brown —called also liver brown, liver maroon

Origin of LIVER

Middle English, from Old English lifer; akin to Old High German lebra liver
First Known Use: before 12th century

Rhymes with LIVER


noun liv·er \ˈli-vər\

Definition of LIVER

:  one that lives especially in a specified way <a fast liver>
:  resident

First Known Use of LIVER

14th century
LIVER Defined for Kids


noun liv·er \ˈli-vər\

Definition of LIVER for Kids

:  a large gland in the body that has a rich blood supply, secretes bile, and helps in storing some nutrients and in forming some body wastes
Medical Dictionary


noun liv·er \ˈliv-ər\

Medical Definition of LIVER

a :  a large very vascular glandular organ of vertebrates that secretes bile and causes important changes in many of the substances contained in the blood which passes through it (as by converting sugars into glycogen which it stores up until required and by forming urea), that in humans is the largest gland in the body, weighs from 40 to 60 ounces (1100 to 1700 grams), is a dark red color, and occupies the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity immediately below the diaphragm, that is divided by fissures into five lobes, and that receives blood both from the hepatic artery and the portal vein and returns it to the systemic circulation by the hepatic veins b :  any of various large compound glands associated with the digestive tract of invertebrate animals and probably concerned with the secretion of digestive enzymes
:  the liver of an animal (as a calf or pig) eaten as food or used as a source of pharmaceutical products (as liver extract)
:  disease or disorder of the liver :  biliousness

Illustration of LIVER

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