

verb in·vent \in-ˈvent\

: to create or produce (something useful) for the first time

: to create or make up (something, such as a story) in order to trick people

Full Definition of INVENT

transitive verb
archaic :  find, discover
:  to devise by thinking :  fabricate
:  to produce (as something useful) for the first time through the use of the imagination or of ingenious thinking and experiment
in·ven·tor \-ˈven-tər\ noun
in·ven·tress \-ˈven-trəs\ noun

Origin of INVENT

Middle English, from Latin inventus, past participle of invenire to come upon, find, from in- + venire to come — more at come
First Known Use: 15th century
INVENT Defined for Kids


verb in·vent \in-ˈvent\

Definition of INVENT for Kids

:  to create or produce for the first time <Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.>
:  to think up :  make up <She invented an excuse for being late.>
in·ven·tor \-ˈvent-ər\ noun

Word Root of INVENT

The Latin word venīre, meaning to come, and its form ventus give us the roots ven and vent. Words from the Latin venīre have something to do with coming. To invent is to come up with a new idea or device that no one has thought of before. To convene is to come together for a purpose. An event is an occasion when many people come together.


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