

noun en·gi·neer \ˌen-jə-ˈnir\

: a person who has scientific training and who designs and builds complicated products, machines, systems, or structures : a person who specializes in a branch of engineering

: a person who runs or is in charge of an engine in an airplane, a ship, etc.

: a person who runs a train

Full Definition of ENGINEER

:  a member of a military group devoted to engineering work
obsolete :  a crafty schemer :  plotter
a :  a designer or builder of engines
b :  a person who is trained in or follows as a profession a branch of engineering
c :  a person who carries through an enterprise by skillful or artful contrivance
:  a person who runs or supervises an engine or an apparatus

Origin of ENGINEER

Middle English engineour, from Anglo-French, from enginer to devise, construct, from engin
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Job Terms

factotum, milliner, ostler, scrivener, tinker, webster, wordsmith



: to plan, build, or manage (something) by using scientific methods

: to produce or plan (something) especially in a clever and skillful way

: to change the genetic structure of (a plant or animal)

Full Definition of ENGINEER

transitive verb
:  to lay out, construct, or manage as an engineer <engineer a bridge>
a :  to contrive or plan out usually with more or less subtle skill and craft <engineer a business deal>
b :  to guide the course of <engineer a rally>
:  to modify or produce by genetic engineering <corn engineered to resist crop pests>

First Known Use of ENGINEER


Synonym Discussion of ENGINEER

guide, lead, steer, pilot, engineer mean to direct in a course or show the way to be followed. guide implies intimate knowledge of the way and of all its difficulties and dangers <guided the scouts through the cave>. lead implies showing the way and often keeping those that follow under control and in order <led his team to victory>. steer implies an ability to keep to a course and stresses the capacity of maneuvering correctly <steered the ship through a narrow channel>. pilot suggests guidance over a dangerous or complicated course <piloted the bill through the Senate>. engineer implies finding ways to avoid or overcome difficulties in achieving an end or carrying out a plan <engineered his son's election to the governorship>.
ENGINEER Defined for Kids


noun en·gi·neer \ˌen-jə-ˈnir\

Definition of ENGINEER for Kids

:  a person who designs and builds machinery or technical equipment :  a person who studies or works in a branch of engineering <an electrical engineer>
:  a person who runs or is in charge of a railroad engine or other machinery or technical equipment



Definition of ENGINEER for Kids

:  to plan, build, or manage as an engineer <They engineered a faster race car.>
:  to plan out in a skillful or clever way :  contrive <The general engineered the defeat of the enemy.>
Medical Dictionary


transitive verb en·gi·neer \ˌen-jə-ˈni(ə)r\

Medical Definition of ENGINEER

:  to modify or produce by genetic engineering <insulin made by genetically engineered bacteria—Technical Survey>
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