

noun bank·rupt \ˈbaŋk-(ˌ)rəpt\

: a person, business, etc., that is unable to pay debts

Full Definition of BANKRUPT

a :  a person who has done any of the acts that by law entitle creditors to have his or her estate administered for their benefit
b :  a person judicially declared subject to having his or her estate administered under the bankrupt laws for the benefit of creditors
c :  a person who becomes insolvent
:  a person who is completely lacking in a particular desirable quality or attribute <a moral bankrupt>

Origin of BANKRUPT

modification of Middle French & Old Italian; Middle French banqueroute bankruptcy, from Old Italian bancarotta, from banca bank + rotta broken, from Latin rupta, feminine of ruptus, past participle of rumpere to break — more at bank, reave
First Known Use: 1533

Other Economics Terms

actuary, compound interest, globalization, indemnity, portfolio, rentier, stagflation, usurer

Rhymes with BANKRUPT



: unable to pay debts

—used to say that someone or something completely lacks a good or desired quality

Full Definition of BANKRUPT

a :  reduced to a state of financial ruin :  impoverished; specifically :  legally declared a bankrupt <the company went bankrupt>
b :  of or relating to bankrupts or bankruptcy <bankrupt laws>
a :  broken, ruined <a bankrupt professional career>
b :  exhausted of valuable qualities :  sterile <a bankrupt old culture>
c :  destitute —used with of or in <bankrupt of all merciful feelings>

First Known Use of BANKRUPT


Other Economics Terms

actuary, compound interest, globalization, indemnity, portfolio, rentier, stagflation, usurer



: to cause (a person, business, etc.) to be unable to pay debts : to make (someone or something) bankrupt

Full Definition of BANKRUPT

transitive verb
:  to reduce to bankruptcy
:  impoverish <defections had bankrupted the party of its brainpower>

First Known Use of BANKRUPT


Related to BANKRUPT

Synonym Discussion of BANKRUPT

deplete, drain, exhaust, impoverish, bankrupt mean to deprive of something essential to existence or potency. deplete implies a reduction in number or quantity so as to endanger the ability to function <depleting our natural resources>. drain implies a gradual withdrawal and ultimate deprivation of what is necessary to an existence <personal tragedy had drained him of all spirit>. exhaust stresses a complete emptying <her lecture exhausted the subject>. impoverish suggests a deprivation of something essential to richness or productiveness <impoverished soil>. bankrupt suggests impoverishment to the point of imminent collapse <war had bankrupted the nation of resources>.

Other Economics Terms

actuary, compound interest, globalization, indemnity, portfolio, rentier, stagflation, usurer
BANKRUPTED Defined for Kids


adjective bank·rupt \ˈbaŋk-ˌrəpt\

Definition of BANKRUPT for Kids

:  not having enough money to pay debts



Definition of BANKRUPT for Kids

:  to cause to not have enough money to pay debts <That last risky deal bankrupted the company.>



Definition of BANKRUPT for Kids

:  a person or business that does not have enough money to pay debts


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