


Synonyms and Antonyms of ABLAZE

being on fire <the entire block was ablaze by the time firefighters arrived>
Synonyms afire, aflame, alight [chiefly British], blazing, burning, combusting, conflagrant, fiery, flaming, ignited, inflamed (also enflamed), kindled, lit (or lighted)
Near Antonyms choked, damped, dead, doused (also dowsed), extinguished, quenched, smothered, snuffed (out), stamped (out), suffocated
filled with much light <that night the ballroom, ablaze with light, looked very different from the curtained room it usually was by day>
Related Words floodlit (also floodlighted), highlighted, spotlighted (or spotlit); ignited, kindled; moonlit, shiny, sunlit, sunny, sunshiny
Near Antonyms gloomy, somber (or sombre), sunless; cloudy, murky, obscured, shadowlike, shadowy; gray (also grey), leaden, pale; lightproof


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