Medical Dictionary


noun \ˈkrüs, ˈkrəs\
plural cru·ra \ˈkr(ə)r-ə\

Medical Definition of CRUS

:  the part of the hind limb between the femur or thigh and the ankle or tarsus :  shank
:  any of various anatomical parts likened to a leg or to a pair of legs: as a :  either of the diverging proximal ends of the corpora cavernosa b :  the tendinous attachments of the diaphragm to the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae forming the sides of the aortic opening—often used in plural c crura pl :  the peduncles of the cerebrum—called also crura cerebri d crura pl :  the peduncles of the cerebellum e crura pl :  the posterior pillars of the fornix—called also crura fornicis f (1) :  a long bony process of the incus that articulates with the stapes; also :  a shorter one projecting from the body of the incus perpendicular to this (2) :  either of the two bony processes forming the sides of the arch of the stapes


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