

verb \ˈveks\

: to annoy or worry (someone)

vexed also vextvex·ing

Full Definition of VEX

transitive verb
a :  to bring trouble, distress, or agitation to <the restaurant is vexed by slow service>
b :  to bring physical distress to <a headache vexed him all morning>
c :  to irritate or annoy by petty provocations :  harass <vexed by the children>
d :  puzzle, baffle <a problem to vex the keenest wit>
:  to shake or toss about

Origin of VEX

Middle English, from Anglo-French vexer, from Latin vexare to agitate, harry; probably akin to Latin vehere to convey — more at way
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of VEX

annoy, vex, irk, bother mean to upset a person's composure. annoy implies a wearing on the nerves by persistent petty unpleasantness <their constant complaining annoys us>. vex implies greater provocation and stronger disturbance and usually connotes anger but sometimes perplexity or anxiety <vexed by her son's failure to clean his room>. irk stresses difficulty in enduring and the resulting weariness or impatience of spirit <careless waste irks the boss>. bother suggests interference with comfort or peace of mind <don't bother me while I'm reading>.

Rhymes with VEX

VEXT Defined for Kids


verb \ˈveks\

Definition of VEX for Kids

:  to bring trouble, distress, or worry to <“It is an excellent plan to have some place where we can go to be quiet, when things vex or grieve us.” — Louisa May Alcott, Little Women>
:  to annoy by small irritations <Flies vexed the cows.>


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