

noun uru·shi·ol \y-ˈrü-shē-ˌl, -ˈ, -ˌōl\

Definition of URUSHIOL

:  a mixture of catechol derivatives with saturated or unsaturated side chains of 15 or 17 carbon atoms that is an oily toxic irritant principle present in poison ivy and some related plants (genus Rhus) and in lacquers derived from such plants

Origin of URUSHIOL

International Scientific Vocabulary, from Japanese urushi lacquer + International Scientific Vocabulary 1-ol
First Known Use: 1908
Medical Dictionary


noun uru·shi·ol \(y)-ˈrü-shē-ˌl, -ˌōl\

Medical Definition of URUSHIOL

:  a mixture of pyrocatechol derivatives with saturated or unsaturated side chains of 15 or 17 carbon atoms that is an oily toxic irritant principle present in poison ivy and some related plants of the genus Rhus


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