

adjective \ˈtri-kē\

: using or likely to use dishonest tricks

: requiring skill or caution : difficult to do or deal with


Full Definition of TRICKY

:  inclined to or marked by trickery
a :  giving a deceptive impression of easiness, simplicity, or order :  ticklish <a tricky path through the swamp>
b :  trick 3
:  requiring skill, knack, or caution (as in doing or handling) :  difficult <a tricky problem>; also :  ingenious <a tricky rhythm>
trick·i·ly \ˈtri-kə-lē\ adverb
trick·i·ness \ˈtri-kē-nəs\ noun

First Known Use of TRICKY


Synonym Discussion of TRICKY

sly, cunning, crafty, wily, tricky, foxy, artful, slick mean attaining or seeking to attain one's ends by guileful or devious means. sly implies furtiveness, lack of candor, and skill in concealing one's aims and methods <a sly corporate raider>. cunning suggests the inventive use of sometimes limited intelligence in overreaching or circumventing <the cunning fox avoided the trap>. crafty implies cleverness and subtlety of method <a crafty lefthander>. wily implies skill and deception in maneuvering <the wily fugitive escaped the posse>. tricky is more likely to suggest shiftiness and unreliability than skill in deception and maneuvering <a tricky political operative>. foxy implies a shrewd and wary craftiness usually involving devious dealing <a foxy publicity man planting stories>. artful implies indirectness in dealing and often connotes sophistication or cleverness <elicited the information by artful questioning>. slick emphasizes smoothness and guile <slick operators selling time-sharing>.
TRICKIEST Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈtri-kē\

Definition of TRICKY for Kids

:  requiring special care and skill <Opening the lock is tricky.>
:  likely to use tricks


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