

noun tri·ceps \ˈtrī-ˌseps\

: a large muscle along the back of the upper arm

plural triceps

Full Definition of TRICEPS

:  a muscle that arises from three heads; especially :  the large extensor muscle along the back of the upper arm

Origin of TRICEPS

New Latin tricipit-, triceps, from Latin, three-headed, from tri- + capit-, caput head — more at head
First Known Use: 1676

Rhymes with TRICEPS

Medical Dictionary


noun tri·ceps \ˈtrī-ˌseps\
plural triceps also tri·ceps·es

Medical Definition of TRICEPS

:  a muscle that arises from three heads: a :  the large extensor muscle that is situated along the back of the upper arm, arises by the long head from the infraglenoid tubercle of the scapula and by two heads from the shaft of the humerus, is inserted into the olecranon at the elbow, and extends the forearm at the elbow joint—called also triceps brachii b :  the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles viewed as constituting together one muscle—called also triceps surae


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