

noun tran·scrip·tion \tran(t)-ˈskrip-shən\

: the act or process of making a written, printed, or typed copy of words that have been spoken

: a written, printed, or typed copy of words that have been spoken

Full Definition of TRANSCRIPTION

:  an act, process, or instance of transcribing
:  copy, transcript: as
a :  an arrangement of a musical composition for some instrument or voice other than the original
b :  a recording (as on magnetic tape) made especially for use in radio broadcasting
:  the process of constructing a messenger RNA molecule using a DNA molecule as a template with resulting transfer of genetic information to the messenger RNA — compare translation 2, reverse transcription
tran·scrip·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
tran·scrip·tion·al·ly adverb

First Known Use of TRANSCRIPTION


Other Audio Recording Terms

baffle, dub, fidelity, treble
Medical Dictionary


noun tran·scrip·tion \tran(t)s-ˈkrip-shən\

Medical Definition of TRANSCRIPTION

:  the process of constructing a messenger RNA molecule using a DNA molecule as a template with resulting transfer of genetic information to the messenger RNA—compare reverse transcription, translation
tran·scrip·tion·al \-shnəl, -shən-əl\ adjective
tran·scrip·tion·al·ly \-ē\ adverb


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