

noun thal·a·mus \ˈtha-lə-məs\
plural thal·a·mi\-ˌmī, -ˌmē\

Definition of THALAMUS

:  the largest subdivision of the diencephalon that consists chiefly of an ovoid mass of nuclei in each lateral wall of the third ventricle and serves chiefly to relay impulses and especially sensory impulses to and from the cerebral cortex — see brain illustration
tha·lam·ic \thə-ˈla-mik\ adjective

Origin of THALAMUS

New Latin, from Greek thalamos chamber
First Known Use: 1859
Medical Dictionary


noun thal·a·mus \ˈthal-ə-məs\
plural thal·a·mi \-ˌmī, -ˌmē\

Medical Definition of THALAMUS

:  the largest subdivision of the diencephalon that consists chiefly of an ovoid mass of nuclei in each lateral wall of the third ventricle and serves to relay impulses and especially sensory impulses to and from the cerebral cortex

Illustration of THALAMUS


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