

noun ten·don \ˈten-dən\

: a tough piece of tissue in your body that connects a muscle to a bone

Full Definition of TENDON

:  a tough cord or band of dense white fibrous connective tissue that unites a muscle with some other part (as a bone) and transmits the force which the muscle exerts

Origin of TENDON

Medieval Latin tendon-, tendo, from Latin tendere to stretch — more at thin
First Known Use: 1541

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TENDONS Defined for Kids


noun ten·don \ˈten-dən\

Definition of TENDON for Kids

:  a band of tough white fiber connecting a muscle to another part (as a bone)

Word Root of TENDON

The Latin word tendere, meaning to stretch or to spread, and its form tentus give us the roots tend, tent, and tens. Words from the Latin tendere have something to do with stretching or spreading. A tent is a temporary shelter made from stretched out fabric. To distend is to stretch outward and swell in all directions. To extend is to stretch out. A tendon is a cord that connects a muscle to another muscle or to a bone and that stretches allowing a joint to bend. Something tense is stretched tight.
Medical Dictionary


noun ten·don \ˈten-dən\

Medical Definition of TENDON

:  a tough cord or band of dense white fibrous connective tissue that unites a muscle with some other part, transmits the force which the muscle exerts, and is continuous with the connective-tissue epimysium and perimysium of the muscle and when inserted into a bone with the periosteum of the bone


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