

adjective \ˈsəl-kē\

: angry or upset about something and refusing to discuss it with others

: often quiet and angry or upset


Full Definition of SULKY

a :  sulking or given to spells of sulking
b :  relating to or indicating a sulk <a sulky expression>
[2sulky] :  having wheels and usually a seat for the driver <a sulky plow>
sulk·i·ly \-kə-lē\ adverb
sulk·i·ness \-kē-nəs\ noun

Origin of SULKY

probably alteration of obsolete sulke sluggish
First Known Use: 1744

Synonym Discussion of SULKY

sullen, glum, morose, surly, sulky, crabbed, saturnine, gloomy mean showing a forbidding or disagreeable mood. sullen implies a silent ill humor and a refusal to be sociable <remained sullen amid the festivities>. glum suggests a silent dispiritedness <a glum candidate left to ponder a stunning defeat>. morose adds to glum an element of bitterness or misanthropy <morose job seekers who are inured to rejection>. surly implies gruffness and sullenness of speech or manner <a typical surly teenager>. sulky suggests childish resentment expressed in peevish sullenness <grew sulky after every spat>. crabbed applies to a forbidding morose harshness of manner <the school's notoriously crabbed headmaster>. saturnine describes a heavy forbidding aspect or suggests a bitter disposition <a saturnine cynic always finding fault>. gloomy implies a depression in mood making for seeming sullenness or glumness <a gloomy mood ushered in by bad news>.

Other Vehicles Terms

brougham, hansom, litter, shay, skid, sledge, sulky, wain


plural sulkies

Definition of SULKY

:  a light 2-wheeled vehicle (as for harness racing) having a seat for the driver only and usually no body

Origin of SULKY

probably from 1sulky; from its having room for only one person
First Known Use: 1756

Other Vehicles Terms

brougham, hansom, litter, shay, skid, sledge, wain
SULKIES Defined for Kids


adjective \ˈsəl-kē\

Definition of SULKY for Kids

:  angry or upset by something but refusing to discuss it
:  often angry or upset


plural sulk·ies

Definition of SULKY for Kids

:  a light vehicle with two wheels, a seat for the driver only, and usually no body


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