

adjective ri·dic·u·lous \rə-ˈdi-kyə-ləs\

: extremely silly or unreasonable

Full Definition of RIDICULOUS

:  arousing or deserving ridicule :  extremely silly or unreasonable :  absurd, preposterous
ri·dic·u·lous·ly adverb
ri·dic·u·lous·ness noun

Examples of RIDICULOUS

  1. His band mates take the stage in ridiculous elf costumes—black tights, pointy felt hats. —Jason Cohen, Rolling Stone, 23 Feb. 1995


Latin ridiculosus (from ridiculum jest, from neuter of ridiculus) or ridiculus, literally, laughable, from ridēre to laugh
First Known Use: 1550

Synonym Discussion of RIDICULOUS

laughable, ludicrous, ridiculous, comic, comical mean provoking laughter or mirth. laughable applies to anything occasioning laughter <laughable attempts at skating>. ludicrous suggests absurdity that excites both laughter and scorn <a thriller with a ludicrous plot>. ridiculous suggests extreme absurdity, foolishness, or contemptibility <a ridiculous display of anger>. comic applies especially to what arouses thoughtful amusement <a comic character>. comical applies to what arouses spontaneous hilarity <a comical hat>.

Rhymes with RIDICULOUS

RIDICULOUSLY Defined for Kids


adjective ri·dic·u·lous \rə-ˈdi-kyə-ləs\

Definition of RIDICULOUS for Kids

:  causing or deserving ridicule :  very silly or unreasonable
ri·dic·u·lous·ly adverb


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