

noun pso·ra·len \ˈsr-ə-lən\

Definition of PSORALEN

:  a substance C11H6O3 found in some plants that photosensitizes mammalian skin and is used in conjunction with ultraviolet light to treat psoriasis; also :  any of various derivatives of psoralen having similar properties

Origin of PSORALEN

New Latin Psoralea, genus of plants from which it is isolated + English -en, alteration of -ene
First Known Use: 1933
Medical Dictionary


noun pso·ra·len \ˈsr-ə-lən\

Medical Definition of PSORALEN

:  a substance C11H6O3 found in some plants that photosensitizes mammalian skin and is used in conjunction with ultraviolet light to treat psoriasis; also :  any of various derivatives of psoralen having similar properties—see puva


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