

noun pro·ba·tion \prō-ˈbā-shən\

: a situation or period of time in which a person who is starting a new job is tested and watched to see if that person is able to do the job properly

law : a situation or period of time in which a person who has committed a crime is allowed to stay out of prison if that person behaves well, does not commit another crime, etc.

: a situation or period of time in which a person who has made a serious mistake or done something bad is watched and must behave well in order not to be seriously punished

Full Definition of PROBATION

:  critical examination and evaluation or subjection to such examination and evaluation
a :  subjection of an individual to a period of testing and trial to ascertain fitness (as for a job or school)
b :  the action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender and giving the offender freedom during good behavior under the supervision of a probation officer
c :  the state or a period of being subject to probation
pro·ba·tion·al \-shnəl, -shə-nəl\ adjective
pro·ba·tion·al·ly adverb
pro·ba·tion·ary \-shə-ˌner-ē\ adjective


Middle English probacioun, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French probation, from Latin probation-, probatio, from probare
First Known Use: 15th century

Other Legal Terms

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PROBATIONALLY Defined for Kids


noun pro·ba·tion \prō-ˈbā-shən\

Definition of PROBATION for Kids

:  the condition of being closely watched and evaluated for a period of time or the period of time during which this happens
:  the early release of a prisoner on certain conditions


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