

noun pri·mate \ˈprī-ˌmāt or especially for 1 -mət\

: any member of the group of animals that includes human beings, apes, and monkeys

: the highest ranking priest in a particular country or area in some Christian churches (such as the Church of England)

Full Definition of PRIMATE

often capitalized :  a bishop who has precedence in a province, a group of provinces, or a nation
archaic :  one first in authority or rank :  leader
[New Latin Primates, from Latin, plural of primat-, primas] :  any of an order (Primates) of mammals that are characterized especially by advanced development of binocular vision, specialization of the appendages for grasping, and enlargement of the cerebral hemispheres and that include humans, apes, monkeys, and related forms (as lemurs and tarsiers)
pri·mate·ship \-ˌship\ noun
pri·ma·tial \prī-ˈmā-shəl\ adjective

Origin of PRIMATE

Middle English primat, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin primat-, primas archbishop, from Latin, leader, from primus
First Known Use: 13th century
PRIMATESHIP Defined for Kids


noun pri·mate \ˈprī-ˌmāt\

Definition of PRIMATE for Kids

:  any of a group of mammals that includes humans together with the apes and monkeys and a few related forms
Medical Dictionary


noun pri·mate \ˈprī-ˌmāt\

Medical Definition of PRIMATE

:  any mammal of the order Primates


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