


: after or later than

Full Definition of POST-

a :  after :  subsequent :  later <postdate>
b :  behind :  posterior :  following after <postlude> <postconsonantal>
a :  subsequent to :  later than <postoperative>
b :  posterior to <postorbital>
  1. post·abor·tion
  2. post·ac·ci·dent
  3. post·ad·o·les·cent
  4. post·am·pu·ta·tion
  5. post·apart·heid
  6. post·apoc·a·lyp·tic
  7. post·ar·rest
  8. post·atom·ic
  9. post·at·tack
  10. post·bac·ca·lau·re·ate
  11. post·bib·li·cal
  12. post·bour·geois
  13. post·burn
  14. post·cap·i·tal·ist
  15. post–Chris·tian
  16. post·co·i·tal
  17. post·col·lege
  18. post·col·le·giate
  19. post·co·lo·nial
  20. post·com·mu·nist
  21. post·con·cep·tion
  22. post·con·cert
  23. post·con·quest
  24. post·con·so·nan·tal
  25. post·con·ven·tion
  26. post·cop·u·la·to·ry
  27. post·cor·o·nary
  28. post·coup
  29. post·crash
  30. post·cri·sis
  31. post–Dar·win·i·an
  32. post·dead·line
  33. post·de·bate
  34. post·de·liv·ery
  35. post·de·po·si·tion·al
  36. post·de·pres·sion
  37. post·de·val·u·a·tion
  38. post·dive
  39. post·di·ves·ti·ture
  40. post·di·vorce
  41. post·drug
  42. post·ed·it·ing
  43. post–Ein·stein·ian
  44. post·elec·tion
  45. post·en·ceph·a·lit·ic
  46. post·ep·i·lep·tic
  47. post·erup·tive
  48. post·ex·er·cise
  49. post·ex·pe·ri·ence
  50. post·ex·po·sure
  51. post·fire
  52. post·flight
  53. post·frac·ture
  54. post·freeze
  55. post–Freud·ian
  56. post·game
  57. post·gla·cial
  58. post·grad·u·a·tion
  59. post·har·vest
  60. post·hem·or·rhag·ic
  61. post·hol·i·day
  62. post·ho·lo·caust
  63. post·hos·pi·tal
  64. post·im·pact
  65. post·im·pe·ri·al
  66. post·im·plan·ta·tion
  67. post·in·au·gu·ral
  68. post·in·de·pen·dence
  69. post·in·dus·tri·al
  70. post·in·fec·tion
  71. post·in·jec·tion
  72. post·in·oc·u·la·tion
  73. post·ir·ra·di·a·tion
  74. post·land·ing
  75. post·launch
  76. post·lib·er·a·tion
  77. post·mar·i·tal
  78. post·mas·tec·to·my
  79. post·mat·ing
  80. post·me·di·e·val
  81. post·mid·night
  82. post·neo·na·tal
  83. post·or·gas·mic
  84. post·pres·i·den·tial
  85. post·pri·ma·ry
  86. post·pris·on
  87. post·psy·cho·an·a·lyt·ic
  88. post·pu·ber·ty
  89. post·pu·bes·cent
  90. post·race
  91. post·re·ces·sion
  92. post–Ref·or·ma·tion
  93. post·res·ur·rec·tion
  94. post·re·tire·ment
  95. post·rev·o·lu·tion·ary
  96. post·ri·ot
  97. post·ro·man·tic
  98. post·sea·son
  99. post·sec·ond·ary
  100. post·show
  101. post·stim·u·la·tion
  102. post·stim·u·lus
  103. post·strike
  104. post·tax
  105. post·teen
  106. post·trau·mat·ic
  107. post·treat·ment
  108. post·trial
  109. post·vac·ci·nal
  110. post·vac·ci·na·tion
  111. post·va·sec·to·my
  112. post–Vic·to·ri·an
  113. post·wean·ing
  114. post·work·shop

Origin of POST-

Middle English, from Latin, from post; akin to Lithuanian pas at, Greek apo away from — more at of
POSTWEANING Defined for Kids



Definition of POST- for Kids

:  after :  later :  following :  behind <postscript>
Medical Dictionary



Medical Definition of POST-

:  after :  later than <postoperative> <postcoronary>
:  behind :  posterior to <postcanine>


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