

noun per·so·na \pər-ˈsō-nə, -ˌnä\

: the way you behave, talk, etc., with other people that causes them to see you as a particular kind of person : the image or personality that a person presents to other people

plural per·so·nae \-(ˌ)nē, -ˌnī\ or personas

Full Definition of PERSONA

:  a character assumed by an author in a written work
a plural personas [New Latin, from Latin] :  an individual's social facade or front that especially in the analytic psychology of C. G. Jung reflects the role in life the individual is playing — compare anima
b :  the personality that a person (as an actor or politician) projects in public :  image
plural personae :  a character in a fictional presentation (as a novel or play) —usually used in plural <comic personae>

Origin of PERSONA

First Known Use: 1909

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Medical Dictionary


noun per·so·na \pər-ˈsō-nə, -ˌnä\
plural personas

Medical Definition of PERSONA

:  an individual's social facade or front that especially in the analytic psychology of C. G. Jung reflects the role in life the individual is playing—compare anima 1


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