

verb per·mit \pər-ˈmit\

: to allow (something) to happen : to give permission for (something)

: to allow (someone) to do or have something

: to make something possible


Full Definition of PERMIT

transitive verb
:  to consent to expressly or formally <permit access to records>
:  to give leave :  authorize
:  to make possible <the design permits easy access>
intransitive verb
:  to give an opportunity :  allow <if time permits>
per·mit·tee \pər-ˌmi(t)-ˈtē, ˌpər-mi(t)-\ noun
per·mit·ter noun

Origin of PERMIT

Middle English permitten, from Latin permittere to let through, permit, from per- through + mittere to let go, send
First Known Use: 15th century


noun per·mit \ˈpər-ˌmit, pər-ˈ\

Definition of PERMIT

:  a written warrant or license granted by one having authority <a gun permit>

First Known Use of PERMIT



noun per·mit \ˈpər-ˌmit, pər-ˈ\

Definition of PERMIT

:  either of two pompanos (Trachinotus falcatus and T. goodei) that are important game fishes of temperate to tropical waters of the western Atlantic

Origin of PERMIT

perhaps by folk etymology from Spanish palometa, a kind of pompano, from diminutive of paloma dove, from Latin palumba, palumbes — more at palomino
First Known Use: circa 1945

Other Hunting and Fishing Terms

chum, covert, creel, flense, pitfall, seine, skulk, spoor, trawl
PERMITTER Defined for Kids


verb per·mit \pər-ˈmit\

Definition of PERMIT for Kids

:  to allow to happen or do :  give permission
:  to make possible :  give an opportunity <We'll visit the museum if time permits.>

Word Root of PERMIT

The Latin word mittere, meaning to send, and its form missus give us the roots mit and miss. Words from the Latin mittere have something to do with sending. A missile is an object, such as a bullet, arrow, or rocket, that is sent through the air so as to hit a target. To emit is to send forth or give out. To omit, or leave out, is to send away so as to not be included. To permit, or allow, is to send something through without stopping it.


noun per·mit \ˈpər-ˌmit\

Definition of PERMIT for Kids

:  a statement of permission (as a license or pass) <You need a parking permit.>


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