

noun pel·vis \ˈpel-vəs\

: the wide curved bones between the spine and the leg bones

plural pel·vis·es \-və-səz\ or pel·ves \-ˌvēz\

Full Definition of PELVIS

:  a basin-shaped structure in the skeleton of many vertebrates that is formed by the pelvic girdle and adjoining bones of the spine
:  the cavity of the pelvis
:  the funnel-shaped cavity of the kidney into which urine is discharged

Origin of PELVIS

New Latin, from Latin, basin; perhaps akin to Old English & Old Norse full cup
First Known Use: 1615

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PELVES Defined for Kids


noun pel·vis \ˈpel-vəs\

Definition of PELVIS for Kids

:  the bowl-shaped part of the skeleton that includes the hip bones and the lower bones of the backbone
Medical Dictionary


noun pel·vis \ˈpel-vəs\
plural pel·vis·es \-və-səz\ or pel·ves \-ˌvēz\

Medical Definition of PELVIS

:  a basin-shaped structure in the skeleton of many vertebrates that is formed by the pelvic girdle together with the sacrum and often various coccygeal and caudal vertebrae and that in humans is composed of the two hip bones bounding it on each side and in front while the sacrum and coccyx complete it behind

Illustration of PELVIS


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