

noun, often attributive \ˈpē\

: a small, round, green seed that is eaten as a vegetable and that is formed in a seed case (called a pod) of a climbing plant; also : a plant that produces peas

plural peas also pease \ˈpēz\

Full Definition of PEA

a :  a variable annual Eurasian vine (Pisum sativum) of the legume family that is cultivated especially for its rounded smooth or wrinkled edible protein-rich seeds
b :  the seed of the pea
c plural :  the immature pods of the pea with their included seeds
:  any of various leguminous plants related to or resembling the pea —usually used in combination or with a qualifying term <chickpea> <black-eyed pea>; also :  the seed of such a plant
:  something resembling a pea (as in size or shape)

Illustration of PEA

Origin of PEA

back-formation from Middle English pease (taken as a plural), from Old English pise, from Latin pisa, plural of pisum, from Greek pison
First Known Use: 1611

Rhymes with PEA

b, be, bee, c, cay, cee, Cree, d, dee, Dee, dree, e, fee, flea, flee, free, g, gee, ghee, glee, gree, he, key, Key, knee, lea, lee, me, mi, p, pee, plea, pree, quay, re, Rhee, scree, sea, see, she, si, ski, spree, sri, t, tea, tee, the, thee, three, ti, tree, twee, Twi, v, vee, we, wee, whee, ye, z, zee
PEAS Defined for Kids


noun \ˈpē\
plural peas \ˈpēz\

Definition of PEA for Kids

:  a round green seed that is eaten as a vegetable and comes from the pods of a climbing garden plant
:  a plant (as the sweet pea) resembling or related to the garden plant that produces peas
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