

noun pa·tron \ˈpā-trən, for 6 also pa-ˈtrōⁿ\

: a person who gives money and support to an artist, organization, etc.

: a person who buys the goods or uses the services of a business, library, etc.

Full Definition of PATRON

a :  a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter
b :  a wealthy or influential supporter of an artist or writer
c :  a social or financial sponsor of a social function (as a ball or concert)
:  one that uses wealth or influence to help an individual, an institution, or a cause
:  one who buys the goods or uses the services offered especially by an establishment
:  the holder of the right of presentation to an English ecclesiastical benefice
:  a master in ancient times who freed his slave but retained some rights over him
[French, from Middle French] :  the proprietor of an establishment (as an inn) especially in France
:  the chief male officer in some fraternal lodges having both men and women members
pa·tron·al \ˈpā-trə-nəl; British pə-ˈtrō-nəl, pa-\ adjective

Origin of PATRON

Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin & Latin; Medieval Latin patronus patron saint, patron of a benefice, pattern, from Latin, defender, from patr-, pater
First Known Use: 14th century

Rhymes with PATRON

PATRONAL Defined for Kids


noun pa·tron \ˈpā-trən\

Definition of PATRON for Kids

:  a person who gives generous support or approval
:  customer

Word Root of PATRON

The Latin word pater, meaning father, and the Greek word patēr give us the root pater or patr. Anyone or anything paternal, such as an aunt or uncle, is related to one's father. A patriarch is a father and ruler of a family or tribe. A patriot is a person who loves his or her fatherland or country. A patron is a person who gives support and approval for a project or artist, as fathers support and approve of their children.


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