

noun or·i·fice \ˈr-ə-fəs, ˈär-\

: a hole or opening and especially one in your body (such as your mouth, ear, nostril, etc.)

Full Definition of ORIFICE

:  an opening (as a vent, mouth, or hole) through which something may pass
or·i·fi·cial \ˌr-ə-ˈfi-shəl, ˌär-\ adjective

Origin of ORIFICE

Middle English, from Middle French & Late Latin; Middle French, from Late Latin orificium, from Latin or-, os mouth + facere to make, do — more at oral, do
First Known Use: 15th century

Other Anatomy Terms

bilateral symmetry, carotid, cartilage, dorsal, entrails, prehensile, renal, solar plexus, supine, thoracic, ventral
Medical Dictionary


noun or·i·fice \ˈr-ə-fəs, ˈär-\

Medical Definition of ORIFICE

:  an opening through which something may pass
or·i·fi·cial \ˌr-ə-ˈfish-əl, ˌär-\ adjective


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